
2024 International Day of the Girl Child at Gatondo Girls Secondary School Mathira, Nyeri County.

On 11th October 2024, Philia Mission Kenya, in collaboration with Elimu Yetu Coalition and various partners, joined hands to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child at Gatondo Girls Secondary School in Mathira, Nyeri County. The theme for this year, “Girls’ Vision for the Future,” resonated throughout the day, as girls from Gatondo Girls and Itundo Girls Secondary Schools gathered to celebrate and empower each other.

The event was more than just a celebration; it was a reflection of the commitment to nurturing the potential of girls and equipping them with the tools to shape their own futures. With over 900 girls in attendance, alongside 100 key stakeholders from both the county and national government, the day was filled with activities that highlighted the importance of education, health, and environmental sustainability for the next generation of female leaders.

A Green Future: Tree Planting Initiative
One of the day’s highlights was the tree-planting initiative, where a total of 300 trees were planted across the school grounds. This effort symbolized not just a commitment to environmental conservation but also a step toward a greener, more sustainable future—a future these girls envision themselves leading. The tree-planting activity encouraged the girls to take ownership of their environment, fostering a sense of responsibility and leadership in climate action.

Health and Well-being: Empowering Girls with Services
Recognizing the importance of health in shaping strong futures, health services were provided to 400 girls throughout the event. Access to health education and services is critical for the well-being of young women, ensuring they grow into empowered individuals capable of making informed decisions about their bodies and their futures.

An Inspiring Gathering of Support
The event also brought together key stakeholders from the county and national governments, signaling strong support for initiatives that uplift and empower young girls. Their presence underscored the commitment to creating spaces where girls can not only express their visions for the future but also have access to the resources they need to realize them.

A Vision for the Future
As the day came to a close, the message was clear: these girls have big dreams, and with the right support, they can and will achieve them. The collaboration between Philia Mission Kenya, Elimu Yetu Coalition, and other partners ensured that the girls walked away feeling inspired, empowered, and more confident in their ability to shape the future they envision.

The event was not just a celebration of girls—it was a powerful reminder that when girls are given the opportunity to thrive, they become the changemakers our world needs.

Let’s continue supporting our girls as they build a brighter, healthier, and more sustainable future!

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