1st SESSION on Mental Health By Grace Macharia
Mental health is the state of wellbeing in which individual realizes his or her own potential in their lives, without merely the absence of disease.
Causes of poor mental health
Genetics, trauma, environmental factors, childhood trauma, drugs/substance abuse, biochemical imbalances.
Depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, anxiety disorders, personality related disorders, substance abuse disorders, eating disorders
A mentally healthy person;
Mental health is the wholesome wellbeing of the body, soul and spiritually without merely the absence of disease
A mentally healthy person;
- Enjoys good relationship with people
- Can cope with normal life issues and solve problems
- Can work productively and make contributions to the community
- Mental health and physical health go hand in hand
- Mental health is not just the absence of disorder
- It is a personal responsibility to take care of one’s mental health and that of others
If one is mentally ill or unstable, they are not able to do things normally.
- Persistent sad or anxious or empty mood
- Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
- Irritability, restlessness or having trouble sitting still
- Hallucinations [visual, auditory, tactile/formication
- Less interest in once pleasurable activities
- Decreased energy/fatigue
- Moving or talking more slowly/fast
- Difficult in concentrating or remembering or making decisions
- Difficult sleeping, waking up poorly or oversleeping
- Eating more or less usually with unplanned weight gain/loss
- Thoughts of death or suicide or suicide attempts